A care plan is a fully managed platform with very little upfront cost for the build. We know that building a website can be a huge upfront cost. We wanted to make things easier for our clients that wanted and needed a website with little upfront cost.
What do I need to get started?
We just need the first month payment with a signed 2 year commitment. All managed plans come with a 2 year commitment.
There will be a small onboarding fee if you already have a domain registrar.
Up to 5 pages
Up to 10 pages
Up to 20 pages
Additional Add - On Features
Want to add more features without upgrading your plan?
Additional Page
Add additional page.
$129.95 – One time fee
Events Calendar
Display and promote upcoming events on your website.
$24.95 Per Month
Payment Forms
Sell product or a service on your website with a custom built payment form.
$29.95 Per Month
View available dates and times and book a service on your website.